Honey, Avocado (1 lb)
Honey, Avocado (1 lb)

Honey, Avocado (1 lb)

Your Price:$5.99
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Part Number:(SO) HNY-AVOC
Avocado honey is foraged from the nectar of avocado trees that produce a flavorful, earthy honey. Avocado honey is known to be bold and flavorful while maintaining a sweet characteristic through its earthy flavor profile. With notes of molasses and sorghum syrup, it makes a great substitute for a dark sweetener (brown sugar, molasses, sorghum) and has even been suggested as a replacement for maple syrup. .Honey is a great way to boost the alcohol in your beer. Alternately, use this as your primary fermentable sugar by making mead! May contain some crystallized sugars.

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